Intro to Dungeons and Dragons 5e! (1)
Wed, Jun 15
Come learn the basics of D&D 5e!!

Time & Location
Jun 15, 2022, 6:00 p.m. – Jun 16, 2022, 6:00 p.m.
Victoria, 705 Johnson St, Victoria, BC V8W 1M8, Canada
About the event
Have you ever wanted to get into Dungeons and Dragons but have absolutely no idea where to begin? Do you love D&D but have no DM? Have you always wanted to play but have no one? This night is perfect foryou!! Our amazing DM will run you through their own one shot to teach you all of the basics for D&D without having to do any of the prep work! You show up and pick a character and let the adventure begin! These one shots are ideal before you start purchasing all of the books so you can see what you enjoy, as well an opportunity to play with others and discuss 5e. We will be running this event once a month with a possible follow up session depdending on the interest. If you want to join in we are limited space so RSVP now to save your spot!